Thursday, July 14, 2016

Alaska 2016 - This Time It Was Personal

I had a different and unique experience on this mission trip.  Having had some time to reflect on the week and to have a little perspective with real life back in front of me, God's blessing and beauty in individual lives rises up as a foremost effect in this team of people.  We certainly did work, and we had an amazing team with skills and a good work ethic.  We accomplished a lot around the property.  Yet in the testimonies I have heard since the trip, God was up to showing each of us His love and desire to change and even wow us.

Without doubt, we accomplished our goal of preparing Redemption for fish camp, and we blessed Rod and Teresa.  I am so thankful for that.  Above that, however, were amazing testimonies of redemption, healing, and extravagant blessing.  Kim speaks of gaining ground over fear.  Melanie was drawn fully in to God's arms after some difficult trials in life.  Two people were baptized.  Jennifer was given a precious time of rest she desperately needed.  Andy realized on the trip God was allowing him to check off a "bucket list" item by seeing volcanoes on the Ring of Fire.  For me, it was a time of redemption, as my dad was a part of the team.  In many ways, it is a miracle we could have this time together (and I don't say that lightly).  It is simply the mercy and provision of God.  For others, it was a special time with family.

While there are personal themes like this on most mission trips, the personal nature of these stories stands out to me.  It was a time of abundance and rejuvenation.  We were surrounded by overwhelming beauty, we enjoyed rich fellowship, we laughed a lot, we heard amazing stories, we worked hard, and we felt God's love.  Commit to a short-term mission trip if you can.  Start saving and trust Jesus for the provision.  You won't be disappointed.  It won't be easy, but it probably will change your life.

Note:  I will follow this blog up with a second response that details our work in Alaska and the progress of North of Hope.

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